About Me

I’m a freelance writer and editor with lots of interests and opinions that I’d like to share. I’m a crazy cat lady and ardent bibliophile from Beavercreek, OH. At the moment I have two cats and a husband. I love to travel and have been to Jamaica, Sweden, Brazil, Ireland, England, Croatia, Slovenia, Montenegro, and Benson (AZ).

Among my interests are language, media, journalism, popular culture, married life, pets, travel, science fiction, humor, mental health, and life its-own-self. I also blog at bipolarme.blog. I have one published book, Bipolar Me, with another one in the works.

13 thoughts on “About Me

  1. Great blog about the Equal Rights Amendment – We couldn’t agree more. In fact, in 2009, we submitted the proposal for what has become HJR 51 and SJR 15 to remove Congress’s deadline for ratification of the Equal Rights Amendment!

    We figured that since the women’s movement seemed to have abadoned the ERA to the next generation that we were going to answer the call.

    First things first. If you don’t want the remaining three ratifications overturned by the Supreme Court then we need you and your hubby and your followers help to persuade Congress that this single action to jumpstart the process again is what women want because it will have an amazing impact for generations to come!

    For simple instructions of locating your members of Congress, who to ask for and what to say, see our homepage at http://www.united4equality.com.

    Keep up the great work for women!

    Liked by 1 person

  2. Two cats, one dog, one partner of not-the-predictable sex, although mercifully that doesn’t shock people the way it used to. Born in New York, living in the U.K. Glad to meet you.


    1. Really, a doctor has to diagnose it. The main symptoms are extreme mood swings, usually with the highs and lows lasting two weeks or more. But everyone’s a little different. I would encourage you to go to a psychologist or psychiatrist and talk to him/her about it.


  3. I’ve just found your blog. I have dabbled in freelance writing and have found some of your tips quite useful. I write a blog about our sailing adventures in Greece, and have had some articles published in sailing magazines. I’d really like to find other outlets though, where I write about other topics. but I’m not sure how to start. I’m really pleased you like cats! We rescued a greek kitten and she lived on our yacht for two years, but now she is staying in England with a friend.


  4. Re: comfort movies and Gilbert & Sullivan. Reaching out just in case you haven’t seen Topsy-Turvy. You probably have but I couldn’t live with myself if you haven’t and I did nothing.


Comments always welcome!